"You are family." Those were the words spoken by a homeless Pittsburgh neighbor that I have had the honor of knowing and providing for over the last couple years. Light in my City set him up with a new tent, as rats had chewed through his original tent causing water to leak in and ruin all he owned. We also set him up with a LuminAID lantern, FosPower emergency radio, GearLight flashlight, new sleeping bag, pillow, and blankets.
Light in my City distributed and set up three additional tents, plus numerous lanterns, radios, flashlights, sleeping bags, and other necessities.
Thank you to a donor who recently handed me a $20 bill to be used specifically for incidentals. We met a young girl without shoes, so made a quick visit to Family Dollar, where I found a discounted pair of boots in her size plus a pair of shoes. Total: $19.50.